Okay.. listen... this blog is totally something I made in High School and has not been updated. I get it. I don't fit in with the world of blogging. I just post on here when something really big happens to me and I have to share it with everyone. If anybody wants to update my blog for me... be my guest. haha
I wasn't sure where to start with Annalee's birth story. I just needed to get it written down. I have made more of an effort to attend the temple and have thought about Eve SO many times since becoming a mother and just needed to share some thoughts with whoever cares to read them. I wrote most of this about two months after Annalee was born but I never published it. I am finally coming back to it and am ready to share. I decided that I would get personal and share about the baby before her. I have found it comforting to know that I am not alone in things and therefore wanted share this little part of our family story in hopes that it can help someone else out too. As I have come across different trials in my life, I have learned that there is a reason for everything and that everything works out. I hope that through my experience you can gain a small testimony of that too.
Okay, so the beginning of this story is actually at my cardiologists office. Somehow that's where most of my life decisions are made haha. Andrew and I had been married for a year and decided that it was time we wanted to have a baby. Of course we wanted to make sure that my heart was up to it and sure enough it was. That was the first of many major blessings. We got pregnant really fast and were super excited. We laughed thinking that Heavenly Father must have really wanted us to have a baby because it happened so quick. I remember praying and just being so grateful that we didn't have issues getting pregnant and I felt so loved and blessed.
When we went in for the first appointment with Maternal Fetal Medicine (A specialist I was directed to because of my heart) they did an ultrasound and told us that the baby was either too little or that it was a blighted ovum and that we would miscarry. I was totally shocked and shattered. We went and did some labs and waited two of the longest days of my life and the nurse called and told us that my HCG levels had decreased and that we had miscarried. I was upset. Andrew was upset. I felt like Heavenly Father had given us something so special and I was so grateful that after everything else I had been through that something just came easy and it felt like such a blessing. I was angry for a while because I had been praying.. saying thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart and it felt like it was just ripped away from me. I tried to keep praying but in all honesty it was difficult. I am so grateful for my sweet husband who notices what I need and jumps right in. We have made an effort to say our prayers together every night since the day we were married. We usually take turns but when it was my turn and I just sat there.. empty.. shocked.. confused.. he jumped right in and started praying. I am so grateful for his example and love. I knew we would pull through and I knew we were going to have a baby. I was just so lost.
A month later we got another positive pregnancy test. I was totally shocked again that it had happened so fast. I worked in an OBGYN's clinic and had seen the many couples who came in and did everything they could to have a baby and have no success, so I was feeling very humbled and blessed that it came so quickly for us. I was still extremely nervous. When we went into our appointment everything was fine! I still don't quite understand why it happened the way it did, but holding my sweet baby that I have now made me realize that I needed to have THIS baby here at THIS time. I wouldn't have it any other way. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for us and that things happen for a reason. Through trials we are blessed. We are able to grow on a level with others because we have been through things with them. If I had not had that trial I would not understand the loss that others feel and maybe I wouldn't feel as humbled or grateful.
Okay now the fun stuff!!
Appointments went fast. I saw sooooo many doctors. Between the two different OBGYNs that I saw, the Maternal Fetal Medicine Doctors, My cardiologist, and the Pediatric Cardiologist, we had appointments all the time. At about 20 weeks we went down to Primary Children's Medical Center where they did an echo on my heart and then a fetal echo on the baby's heart. I was nervous but I had this recurring feeling of peace when I thought about her heart. I wanted her to be okay, but I also felt like she would be tough enough to handle it. We were so blessed when the doctor told us that everything looked good with my heart and with her heart. Blessings all around people. Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to be happy.
The rest of pregnancy was rough! I love the babies but being pregnant was hard for me. I wanted to play and do things that I had to wait on and that was a struggle for me! Luckily I was still able to go to the gym and attend Zumba and exercise until about the week before I delivered. Blessings on blessings on blessings.
I had been going to my check ups and we found out that I had high blood pressure. We watched it for a couple of days but it didn't go down. I went into my office at work and checked it and it was pretty high so I called the doc in Idaho Falls who would be delivering me and he said, "Get your bags and meet me at the hospital." Stressssssss, I was 38 weeks to the day and was not expecting to have a baby for another week! And I sure as heck didn't wake up that day expecting to have her. Pre-eclampsia was not on my mind either.
I called Andrew at work and told him that we were having a baby. He laughed at me and I had to patiently explain that I really was heading to the hospital. I met him at his work and we drove together. I felt calm. Which was surprising because the night before I was having a total meltdown. Once again my mom came to the rescue as she followed us down Hitt road and got out at the stoplight to give me a yogurt. My in tune mother comes to the rescue again. Oh how I love and need her.
It was 12:40 pm when we got to the hospital and I had gone from 1 cm to 3 cm in just one day and was already having contractions. I didn't really know I was having contractions so that was just another blessing. By 3:00 pm Dr. Denson came in and broke my water. By 5:00 pm I had the epidural. Guys... I would spend every last penny that Andrew has on an epidural. It was heaven compared to contractions. Things progressed quickly and by 11:30 pm I started pushing. If I ever thought I had experienced hunger before (my friends and family know that I don't cope well when hunger hits) I was wrong because I was STARVING. It was all I could think about. I was so mad about how hungry I was haha. An hour and a half later the Doc came in and I gave one push and out came this tiny, beautiful, perfect girl. He laid her on my belly and I sobbed. I cant even describe the feeling that I had. I was instantly changed. Down to my very core, I was changed. I have had few moments in my life where I felt the spirit so strong that I might as well be in Heaven... and this one trumps them all.
She was perfect. I shook uncontrollably for over an hour I'm sure. I was in shock. We have been so blessed. The other day I had a time hop from my surgery pop up on my Facebook. If that is what I had to go through to have this sweet perfect girl, I'd do it a million times over. I am so grateful for her. She is the greatest thing I have ever done in this life. Next to marrying my amazing and supportive husband and becoming a bonus mom to my sweet boy, Carson. Andrew is an incredible dad but I already knew that. Carson is such a good big brother and is so helpful. They take good care of us. I love my rapidly growing family.
God is in the details of our lives. He wants us to be happy. Since having Annalee, I have felt connected to Eve in a way. When Eve had partaken of the forbidden fruit in the garden, she asked Adam if they intended to obey ALL of God's commands. She knew that she would have to go through mortal life with good and evil, joy and sorrow, but she did it because she wanted to obey God and she wanted to become a mother. THAT is how special it is. I am so grateful for this opportunity and am excited to see my children grow!
All Things Bright and Beautiful
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
A Christmas Miracle!
I can’t believe that it has been two years since I had my
operation. I posted a one year update last year on the 16th and
somehow we are back to December 16th again! Everything has been awesome.
I am just so glad that all of that is in the past and this December is only a
little stressful. ;)
I am feeling really good! I had a bit of a rough go with my
back for a while but had a baby operation and am feeling much better! My heart
is doing great as far as I know. My
family has taken it upon themselves to make some kind of pig joke in every
situation possible. So that’s fun. At Thanksgiving we were having ham and I was
asked if it was my cousin. I am so grateful for the life and joy this little
piggy valve has allowed me to have.
I am currently in third grade and working as a
paraprofessional in the special education department. It is not where I thought
I would be but am grateful for the experience and for a good place to start
out. I’ve never been so popular in school and have never had so many friends
that want to sit by me in the lunchroom. I miss college. I never thought I
would say that. BYU-Idaho blessed my life. I loved what I was learning. I wish
I could go back and make a career out of being a student and just remember
forever everything I learned.
Andrew is working at Tadd Jenkins in Rigby as a Service
Advisor. I am quite certain that he gets hit on multiple times a day. He is
amazing at what he does and I am so proud of him for working so hard. Being
members of the Tadd Jenkins family has been so fun and is such a blessing for us.
Andrew does everything he can to make me
and Carson happy. He is selfless, loving, smart, righteous, and stuck with me forever.
Carson is in kindergarten and is killing it. He comes home
and spells out words and I just want to squeeze him for how cute it is. He will
probably be voted class president because he brought his battery powered police
corvette to class for show and tell and now has 20 miniature best friends.
Every week he seems to have another girlfriend. Not a different one... Plus one. Having
him in my life is a completely different kind of joy that I have never
experienced before and I never want to be without it. He is so excited for “us”
to be married.
I am too.
It is amazing to see how much Heavenly Father guides and
directs our lives. I firmly believe that all of the events that have occurred in
my life have been strategically organized to get me to where I am today.
Which happens to be exactly one week from our wedding!!!
We have been waiting for paperwork to be sealed for a while
now. It has been quite a test of our faith.
We mailed out invitations with a date and the location as
the temple and just moved forward with faith!!!
I was able to go through the temple on Saturday for the
first time. A bunch of my family members were there and Andrew with his
parents. I knew with everything in me
that we were supposed to be preparing for a temple marriage. It was 11 days
before our wedding and we still had no paperwork. I have to admit that I had a
couple of meltdowns but knew that we were doing the right thing and it would
all work out.
When we got home from the temple Saturday night we checked
the mailbox and there it was.. the letter that said we could be married in the
temple! I was bawling my eyes out.
It’s a Christmas miracle!
We gave Carson the honor of telling both of our parents and
they didn’t catch on at first but when they did I went right back to bawling my
eyes out.
We are so blessed. I know that Heavenly Father wants us to
be happy and blesses us when we do the right things. I am so grateful that I
have had the opportunity to witness so many miracles and strengthen my testimony. I
know that our Savior lives and loves us. I know that the atonement is real. I
know that the power of prayer is real. I love the gospel and find joy in living
it. I have an unshakable testimony of our Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson
and love him dearly. I am grateful for
my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I know that I
wouldn’t be where I am today without it. I am so excited to marry my best
friend and have our little family together. I hope this next week flies by!
Christmas and thank you all for your love and support!
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Heavenly Father’s Stoplight Switch.
I have been thinking about this post for a while now. My last post was about my one year follow up from my open heart surgery. If you didn’t read that and you are on your mobile device swipe left. If you wanted to read the post before that about how I discovered I needed open heart surgery swipe left two times.
I am feeling great! Other than the occasional soreness in my
chest I am fine! Life has been way too good to me this past year.
Cue Andrew.
Last year on October 22, I met Andrew. Things escalated
quickly. Three days later we went on our second date to the haunted straw maze
and we bumped into my parents. Andrew thought that was pretty hilarious.
In the next few days we had gone to just about every haunted
attraction around.
Trick or treating was a whole new experience for me.
Cue Carson.
On Halloween Andrew introduced me to his son Carson by
taking us to Yellowstone. I could not believe how stinking cute he was and I
instantly loved him. I loved his dad for how amazing he was with him. Their
bond and relationship was so sweet and so good. I knew they were both so good
at heart and that my life was about to change.
That night we went trick or treating! The last few years have
been kind of boring on Halloween but holy cow it’s so much fun when you take a
kid! Carson was too cute. He would knock on the door and they would hold out a
handful of candy and he would just take one. After a few houses he said that he
had enough candy and wanted to go home. We carved pumpkins and that pretty much
made it the best Halloween of my life.
We have been pretty much inseparable ever since.
In January I went back to school to finish my last two
In May Andrew had back surgery. I am so grateful that he is
feeling better.
May was insane. I had my internship, a job, a broken hurt
boyfriend, my birthday, a wedding, and school.
Heavenly Father must have been carrying me through that
because holy smokes… how the heck did I get to where I am now.
On June 21st Andrew took us back to Yellowstone.
We saw a family trying to take pictures in front of the waterfall so I asked if
I could take the pictures for them. They handed me their camera and I snapped a
few shots. After that the lady asked if I wanted her to take pictures of us.
Andrew said, “Take a bunch.” As we stood there taking a picture, Andrew knelt
down and asked me to marry him. I said yes.
I am so happy that some random lady was able to capture this
moment for us.
I am so excited to marry Andrew. He is my best friend. Carson is a humongous blessing in my life and I love them both. I absolutely love seeing Andrew as a father. He
works so hard. He is so thoughtful and selfless. Seeing those boys together brings
me so much joy and happiness. They do so much to make sure that I am happy. I cannot compare it to anything that I have ever
felt. Family is truly the greatest blessing on this earth.
On July 4th, Andrews’s parents flew into Salt
Lake from their mission in the Czech Republic. This was the first time I met
them! We both have pretty cool stories about meeting each other’s parents’
I am truly grateful for the experience and knowledge that I
have gained while working with children these past few years. It has become very convenient.
So many good things have happened! I am the happiest that I
have ever been. We are planning to get married in December so everyone be ready! We will get an exact date to you as soon as we know.
I one hundred percent believe that Heavenly Father just
wants us to be happy. Even though we are given trials, we are always blessed with so
much more.
The other day I was driving to Idaho Falls and needed to go
to Sunnyside which is across town. I knew that there would be a bunch of
stoplights and I was feeling pretty stressed out. It was the morning of my
finals and my exit interview for school. I was heading to an appointment with a
neurosurgeon to find out what we can do about the injury in my back.
I know, Andrew and I are quite the pair. He just says we
are “souped up.”
Heavenly Father must have known I was struggling with
impatience and frustration because every single stoplight turned green right
before I got to them.
Some would say that’s just coincidence or detectors, but I
really just believe that Heavenly Father wants us to be happy. Despite the
trials that will always come, He gives us blessings. Whether these blessings
are big like having my boys, or small like flipping His stoplight switch… they will
always come.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Troubles of the heart: 365 days
First things first. If you have not read my post right below this one, you should probably go ahead and do that now or you will be a little bit lost.
But for those of you who have read that post,
Or who follow me on Instagram..
You probably already know what has gone on in my messy life this past year.
But just a short summary to get everyone back up to date, last year around September I had the impression to start my mission papers. And I KNOW for a fact that it was the spirit prompting me. How grateful I am that I was living my life in a manner so that I could feel such sweet promptings.
I started my mission papers and I had to get cleared by my cardiologist and yada yada yada turns out..
I needed open heart surgery because my pulmonary valve was not working and my heart was enlarging.
Hashtag bummer
But it turned out to be a huge blessing.
Even if that meant getting my rib cage cracked and receiving the heart valve of some poor piggy who only lived his life to save mine.
Thank you piggy, even though my family calls me “Oinker,” and tells me to quit my “Swine-ing.”
One day when everything is restored to its proper balance and all that…you can have it back.
It has been 365 days today since I had my open heart surgery. I have had one heck of a year and they did a great number on me but I would like to think that I have come out on top.
I just need to start out with a HUMONGOUS thank you to every single person that prayed for me, or who prayed for my family, or who served or helped at all when I was heading in for my open heart surgery and after.
You have no idea how much you helped. I seriously could not have done it without you.
Thank you.
Now just a warning in advance, IF YOU ARE SQUEAMISH : go ahead and leave this page and continue scrolling through your newsfeed.
I have had people ask me when I am going to update my blog and talk a little bit about what happened so I figured I need to do so but that includes details and probably some pictures that aren’t that fun. But the good part is, ITS ALL OVER. And I have grown so so so so much and I would really like to share my testimony and experience with you if you would like to hear it.
So here we go.
On december 16th I woke up super early and I have to admit I was a little bit nervous. I wasn’t exactly thrilled knowing it would probably be one of the worst days of my life. The hardest part was that I was perfectly fine. I woke up feeling no pain and it seemed a little ridiculous to be walking my painless self into a meat grinder. And let me tell you that is exactly what it is. But here is the good part.
When my dad and my mom and I were driving to the University of Utah Hospital you would think that I would be in the back seat with my knees up to my chest… rocking… brown paper bag… hysterics… and all that…
But I wasn't.
I had peace.
And I know that is because so many people were praying for me.
I know that the power of prayer is REAL. I think I kind of just ignored everything that was going to happen.. But I also know that there is no way I could have stepped out of the car and walked myself into the hospital without turning into a psycho and pulling my hair out one by one. I was a little nervous but I had peace. And I know that is because it was the right thing to do. I had felt that through my own praying, consulting with multiple doctors and after lots of testing. I had wanted to serve a mission but I knew that the Lord had a different plan for me and I knew that He was taking care of me. I could feel it. I could feel peace.
I mean I don’t think I want to do it again… but …I pretty much rocked it.
So here is what happened.
We checked in and my sister and my aunt were with us and they started my IV for sedation and we waited…
The anesthesiologist came in and gave me my sedation, my family hugged me and they wheeled me out.
The last thing I remember before was them transferring me to the operating table.
So I am a huge Grey’s Anatomy fan and seriously it was nothing like that at all… I didn't see any dreamy Doctors or have anyone singing songs above my head about my love life.
HUGE let down.
I was only in surgery for 4 hours and then I was taken to the ICU. The only thing I remember about that was that my dad (RN) was talking to the nurses and they asked if he was medical and he told them he learned it all because I watch Grey’s Anatomy.
I woke up intubated and strapped to the table and I can think of about a million other things that are more fun than that.
After I was moved from the ICU to the floor I was allowed to walk around a little bit. I had multiple wires and tubes coming out of my neck, my arms, my chest and other places we wont talk about. I was basically R2-D2
I apologize to everyone that helped take care of me while I was at the hospital. Turns out I wasn't very nice and I could have probably handled myself better but I was having a stressful day.
After 2 days in the ICU, 2 days on the floor and parents who were probably remembering what it is like to have a child who keeps you up all night… we were ready to leave.
I seriously think that my mom and I pulled my IVS out, packed up and bounced.
I am so grateful for having two parents that are Registered Nurses. Also a twin sister who is as well. I had three personal nurses in my own home. I am one lucky sucker.
On the way home, my mom and I stopped at a gas station and I could hardly walk. My mom was helping me walk through to the bathroom all hunched over and decrepit. Some man in a black coat saw us and handed my mom a $100 dollar bill. He told her that I needed something nice for Christmas..
I have no idea who he was, but I will never ever forget that. He was such a good example of kindness and selflessness and I am forever grateful for him for showing me that.
Everyone: Serve people.. Even simple things.. Just serve.
I had so many people show so much love and support. I have never felt closer to my Savior and I have never been so directly involved in following the spirit and knowing that I was put on a specific path for a reason.
After we got home I am pretty sure I just slept for like 3 months. Which is also kind of strange because I started my online classes for Winter semester two weeks after my operation. My teachers must have felt bad for me because I had straight A’s for the first time EVER in all of my schooling. Maybe the fact that I couldn’t go out and play is the reason I had so much time to do nothing but succeed in school.
I remember nothing from those classes.
I do remember Cardiac Rehab..
I showed up for the first time at the hospital in Idaho Falls. They gave me a heart monitor with guess what… MORE WIRES. And they told me that I could WALK… on the treadmill..
Oh boy..
I was not amused. I was the only young person there. Everyone else was a little more wrinkly and had white hair. That lasted about a month ish and then I quit because I was out doing more with my friends than I was in rehab..
They tried to make me go to rehab I said no no no..
In the beginning of April my mom and I walked in the Heart and Soul of Rigby 5k race.
I took first place.
This little piggy sure has some gumption.
My recovery was not easy. I was not allowed to lift anything over 5 pounds. And that is not very much. I couldn't anyways because I had so much pain. The doctors said the pain would be bad up until 6 months. I did not believe them but seriously the week of my 6 month mark I started feeling better. Up until then I really was not having very much fun. Today I still feel a little bit of pain in my collar bones and my chest but I can live with it.
After I started recovering a little bit more I started running. And it was a slow and painful process. But I was dedicated and excited about my new heart. Before, I could not run down the street without being exhausted. One day I got up and ran 4 miles.. NEVER HAVE I EVER.
I don’t get as tired when I run up the stairs. And I have more energy. The doctor said I should expect to do more than I could before. Which I thought was insane because I never let it hold me back I feel like I have discovered super powers. I am now a semi normal kid.
But the scar.
I had a scar before from my surgery when I was two years old so it wasn’t anything new really. This one is wider and was very pink for what seemed like forever. I took very good care of it wearing ugly T-shirts swimming and when playing in the sun to protect it so that it would heal nicer. I have this long one and 5 chest tube scars beneath it. I used to be super self conscious about it but somewhere down the road it became too tiring to care so much about something so little.
But that’s the thing, it isn't little. I earned it. I fought hard. And it was a struggle. It still is a struggle.
But its MINE. And I am so grateful for it.
Heavenly Father loves me. He knew I needed my heart fixed and he lead me to it.
If he didn’t care about me or if I wasn’t worth it he would not have put so much hard work into me.
Or any of us.
My scars are a reminder of that.
I cant really go around proudly showing them off because I guess that is frowned upon or something… but I am not ashamed of them. They are me.
I know that things happen for a reason and they happen to make us better. We would not be given a trial that we cant handle, no matter how hard or how painful it is. It will ALWAYS bless you if you have the right attitude about it.
I thought that I had conquered my hard thing in life and from here on out everything would be easy. I had learned what I needed to learn and was good and ready to go. I obviously was not humbled enough because I went and hurt my back and now have a large herniated disc. But that is just my next trial.
We will always have trials. Which means we will always be growing and learning.
What a blessing.
I have learned a lot of things since then and have had my testimony strengthened incredibly, but one of the biggest things I have come to know is that the Lord has a plan for us. And if we take the steps to Him, He will guide us and direct us for our own good. I can bear witness that that is true and that He loves us and knows what is best for us. It may not be comfortable or easy, but that stretching is something that He has designed and crafted into our lives so that when we follow Him, we can grow and be happy and healthy.
I just want to say THANK YOU, again to everyone who helped or prayed for me or even thought about me and my family. You helped. There are too many of you to name but you know who you are.
I love you all,
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
A change of plans.
CAUTION: Very long, and written in terrible form because I
type how I talk. But here it is.
Whenever I would hear someone say that they were grateful
for trials, I would think, “You are absolutely out of your mind.” I never
understood exactly what that meant until now.
All summer I had been planning on starting school in the fall to do my practicum teaching kids in an elementary school. I was all signed up and ready to go back to school. But then I had a change of plans. On September 3rd I was studying my scriptures
when I had a thought come to me. “Brittanee, you should go on a mission.” I
looked up from my scriptures and looked around my room. NOPE. I kept on reading
and tried to forget those silly, inconvenient words. Not a few verses later,
“Brittanee, you should go on a mission.” I knew it was the Holy Ghost giving me guidance. I then closed my book and went
upstairs for some breakfast.
When I entered the kitchen my mom was in there looking
through some letters. Pretending like nothing happened I reached into the
cupboard to get a bowl. At that same moment, my mom opened her mouth to say
“Brittanee, you should go on a mission.” I knew I was doomed. Nothing gets past
the spiritual giant that my mom is.

In the following week, I had seen my bishop and had set up
all of my appointments necessary for completing the mission paperwork. My
Bishop told me he would need to put on his running shoes to catch up with me. I
was very excited about this because I felt like there was always something I
needed to do to become what the Lord would have me be. I felt like serving a
mission was the answer.
When I was a baby I had open heart surgery and they repaired
a few different things in my heart. I knew that before I went on a mission I
would need my cardiologist to clear me. When I met with my Dr. in Rigby for a
physical she restricted me to only going to Europe, Canada, and the US because
she did not want me to get a disease in my heart. I told her she should
recommend me for Europe because they have good hospitals and lots of fish which
is good for your heart. She laughed and I laughed too. I thought I would be so
upset if I had any restrictions. I ran track in high school and have ran and
played fine my whole life. I have never had any restrictions because of my
heart and I was not about to let it stop me now.
When I finally went in to meet with my Cardiologist, Dr. Chambers how sweet is his name.. he
examined me and said that I looked good and everything was fine. I was very
excited knowing this was the last thing on my list that I needed to do. Before
I left, he said that he wanted to run a couple tests to make sure that
everything was fine.
I almost got away.
Before I knew it I was strapped to a heart monitor that I
was supposed to wear all weekend. Unknowingly, this was the first test of many
more to come. I was out with friends one night and we were driving around and
we got pulled over. My heart started beating so fast I was afraid I was going
to fail it. Next was an ultrasound on my
heart, which was not very fun. The Doctor told me before he would clear me he
wanted to send me to Utah to see a cardiologist just in case.
I was a little upset knowing that would take forever.
Everything had been going so quickly and then all these things started popping
up. I started to get a little discouraged. I turned to the Lord in prayer. I
have never prayed so much in my entire life. And I knew when I was kneeling
down that He knew what I was already going to say.
During the weeks that I waited, I tried to pray and be
excited about going on a mission but things started changing. I knew that I was supposed to be doing something and I was
absolutely certain that I was told to go on a mission. It started to feel less
important to go. I prayed and prayed and I just felt like I needed to do
something but I wasn’t sure what it was.

I helped myself to some of those nice warm blue hospital socks with the grippies on the bottom and pulled them on over my own socks to
keep warm.
Free socks everyone.
When I got in the
room for the MRI the guy started hooking me up and was like sorry I'm just gonna
be all up in your business for a second. Get in line buddy. I knew that people
had been praying for me because during the test I was so at peace I kept
falling asleep. AND THOSE SUCKERS ARE LOUD. They kept telling me to wake
up and I was a little annoyed they were interrupting my nap. My mom, aunt and I
had to race up to the next floor to meet the surgeon. I was holding pressure
where they had just pulled my IV out seconds before. Also, I convinced him to take pictures. :)
When we got in to see the cardiologist I began to get a
little nervous. I wasn’t too sure why we had to do all these silly tests if my
first cardiologist seemed so chill about everything. A short little nurse
assistant or someone came in and took my vitals and then left. Shortly after
that a lady who said she was Dr. Whiteheads nurse came in and said they just
wanted to run an EKG on me right before. At this point I was thinking, “Whatever,
just get me out of here.” She left and another little lady came in and had an
EKG done in lightning speed. After she left, a younger guy came in who was a
student at the U. He started asking me all these questions and did an
examination on me. I started to get nervous with all the people coming in and
out and I said a little prayer to help us feel peace. He left and we waited for
the Cardiologist to come in.
My mom is super tough. I swear that moms have super powers.
Either that or she was doing a great job at remaining tough in front of me. I
was grateful to have her and my sweet aunt who is just as tough with me. They
deserve an award. Somebody write that down.
We were in the gift shop at the hospital and found this cute little candle thingy and my mom said,
"This makes me want to get up in the night and look for things."
Considering the circumstances it was pretty funny. :)
Back on track.
A tall skinny guy with a part directly down the center of
his head and those sweet eye crinkles entered the room. Behind him were two
other doctors. The Dr. was super nice and I was hoping he would be the one to
set me free from all this stupid testing and annoying hospital trips. Little
did I know that I was just in the beginning of my adventure.
Dr. Whitehead started talking to me in such a calm voice
that I was sure everything was fine. As he was talking he was describing what
my heart is doing and how it is functioning and then mid-sentence, I heard him
say that my pulmonary valve has completely stopped working and I would need
open heart surgery as soon as possible to get a new one.
Whoop there it is
Another change of plans.
He said over and over that my heart was working super hard,
which I had heard my entire life. He said that most people who have Tetralogy
of Fallot repaired when they are babies end up needing a valve replacement
later on. He said it’s routine and it will keep my heart from enlarging and
causing arrhythmias that could be fatal. I guess that’s a plus right?
I listened to what he was saying I had so many questions in my mind. He said we
could have it done within the next week if we wanted.
As we drove away from the hospital I understood what it was
I had to have done. I had yet another change of plans. I knew that I was supposed to start my mission papers. I
knew that there was something I was supposed to be doing.
The next step was to meet a cardiac surgeon. He wanted me to
do guess what… another test. This test
was supposed to determine for sure if I would need surgery even though Dr.
Whitehead said it was a fat chance that I would need it. So within two weeks I
was signed up again to go back to the blasted hospital and do some more
testing. I was starting to feel famous in the lobby.
I was all set to do a VO2 test where I ride on a bike and
breathe into this gigantic tube that barely fit in my mouth while they test my
oxygen consumption. When the lady was hooking me to my EKG stickers which were
now routine for me, she told me that because I had no restrictions they were
setting me on the hardest level.
I thought they were setting me up for failure, so I was
about to prove them wrong. I got on the bike and started pedaling and
everything was just fine. She had told me it would get harder and harder but I
thought, “You are nuts I'm gonna ride on this till you fall asleep.” Within
seconds I was pedaling this stupid bike up Mount Everest with an elephant
clinging to my back pockets. She told me that when it got hard she was going to
pressure me to keep going so they could reach a certain point to get the best
numbers. I just kept pedaling away and things started to turn black and I was
very dizzy.
The nurse kinda stepped over to me and said… “Are ya done?” I nodded yes and was screaming on the inside
because she was just letting me run my legs off even after I had reached the
When we met with the surgeon the next day I was feeling
pretty nervous. I had already looked him up all over the web of course and he
seemed like a nice enough guy, but I tend to be a little cautious with the
people who are going to have their hands in my chest cavity.
When Dr. McKellar entered he was shorter than I expected
which of course made me sit up a little taller. He explained the procedure and
I was not a fan of it, but it doesn’t look like I’ll get my way on this one.
I now know what it is I am supposed to be doing. Because of
this trial I have felt just about every emotion I thought a person could feel
but most of all I have felt gratitude. I have tried to stay optimistic because
there are worse things! I don’t have to cross the plains or anything. It really
has been a blessing to find this. I know that everything will be okay.
During my tests and
while I was away, my home ward made dinner for my family for a few nights. I am
very grateful for that. We have also had many different families bring us rolls
and loaves of bread. WHICH IS ACTUALLY MY FAVORITE THING EVER. I have heard that people have been fasting and
praying for me and I know that is true. I can feel the peace. I am so grateful
for all of the love and support that I have had. I am especially grateful for
my mom and family because they have done so much.
We have had lots going on
this month as a family and I have just felt closer to our Savior than ever. I
know that He lives. I know that He knows our trials. I know that when I kneel
down to pray I can just say the things I am worried about and I feel better. I
know that I am not alone. I know that I have grown and have learned so much. I feel like I have done what I was supposed to do. I
have gained a testimony of Christ and have seen tender mercies. I know I was
supposed to start my papers for a reason. I know that Heavenly Father has a
plan for us. It might not make a lot of sense but I know that if we do what we
are asked, even not knowing what will happen, that He will take care of us and
do what is best for us. I urge anybody who has a prompting to follow it. I’m
grateful that I am getting my “busted pumper” fixed, as Rachel calls it. I love
My surgery is scheduled for Monday the 16th of December at the University of Utah. I will be getting a new pig valve for a pulmonary valve. I will then have 6 weeks of cardiac rehab walking on a treadmill at the hospital. Most likely EIRMC where my dad works. I was planning on going back to school winter but I am now doing all of my classes online, which is a bummer.
Change of plans.
I have to check in on Friday the 13th… ooooooooo.
I could never thank everyone enough for what they have done
for me and my family. Please keep the prayers coming.
Coming soon. A new and improved me.
Imagine how much energy I'll have with a functioning heart. :)
Moral of the story, Heavenly Father has a plan for us. He knows what is best for us... just know that it could change like 50 times haha
Thursday, February 28, 2013
I love this guitar but I need to sell it! text or call at 208-360-9866
Great shape! :) Sounds great. $150 o.b.o
Great shape! :) Sounds great. $150 o.b.o
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Unbelievable blessings
To tell you the truth, I am not very good at keeping up with this. I write when I am really excited about something and that is good enough for me and it mostly just helps me to get my head on straight. If that really was the case though, I would have posted every single day these past couple of weeks. But I have been extremely busy! Life here at BYU-Idaho is something I could have never imagined. Okay I have to tell you, Christ LIVES. He loves us. I know that and you should too. Also, shout out to my mom. What up mama?!?! SHE IS INCREDIBLE. I do not understand how she does everything she does. I am so grateful for her and for my dad. Seriously I could pour my whole entire soul out to you right now about how blessed I am to have the family that I have. I also have AMAZING friends. This past week I have realized:
Thanks to all of my friends having babies. :) Keep it up! :) I loved doing this so much!
I hope you guys all have a great day!
- How much Heavenly Fathers hand is in literally every single thing that happens around me.
- He places people in our lives for specific reasons and we need to make sure we are worthy to be that for others in return.
- If you work as hard as you can and do your very best, Heavenly Father will make up for the rest.
- Humility really takes a hit when you realize how much you have.
- Moms are amazing.
- Small acts of kindness can lift mountains.
- How important it is to have the Priesthood in my future home.
- Teachers are incredible and I love that they have the Spirit to guide them and teach exactly what I need to hear
- The Temple is the most incredible place in the world and a symbol of Gods unconditional love for us.
Basically I could go on forever. My heart is so full this week. It has been insane but one of the best weeks of my entire life. Seriously, if you are not reading your scriptures and praying every single day I urge you to do so. It will bless your life and change the way you see and understand things. You will not only be blessed but will bless others. And you never know when someone will need you or when you will need someone else, so be prepared. I am so grateful for the unbelievable and unexpected blessings I have received this week.
OKAY! Some more fun and probably my favorite of all things! :)
I had the opportunity to help out with a friends cake smashing pictures for her babies first birthday!
She did all of the backdrops and made the cake and adorable tie! Please just notice how stinking cool that giant cupcake is. Every single birthday from here on out? Oh yeah.
Happy Birthday Keldon!
I also had another opportunity to help out with another first birthday present!
Happy Birthday Cash!
Oh please. Isnt that the cutest face?!?!?!
Thanks to all of my friends having babies. :) Keep it up! :) I loved doing this so much!
I hope you guys all have a great day!
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