Pretty much, It has been the most eventful few weeks of my Entire whole life, and going to get more eventful! I am so EXCITED FOR LIFE. I love the time I have to myself, I love the time I have with friends, i .. like going to school. I have acquired a new hobby, BiKe RiDiNg. and i LOVE love love it. Ya know that hill that goes up to the temple starting at the stop light right after the exit in rexburg? The super long curvy one, That is long and uphill then after the curves, Its STRAIGHT UP HILL, Well, i am going to ride my bike up it. You better believe it, baby. I am soo excited. I had this brilliant idea to ride my bike from my apartment to math class in the Ricks, while i was pedaling up the treacherous hills, I was thinking, "NOT the best idea i ever had!" and i couldnt get off and walk because all the boys were watching me so sucked it up and finished the mountain. It was totally worth it when i coasted super fast all the way down the hill to my apartment without pedaling once. :) Hopefully I get super ripped, HA.. :) Anyways, i hope this Bit of Britt filled you in on whats happening in my life. :) peace.
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