Sunday, July 10, 2011

Keep moving forward

Hey friends, sorry i havent posted in 1.2343234 billion years. I had a few minutes and felt like i needed to update. Well, life for me as usual is crazy. I have two weeks of my second semester of college left. Then I will be heading to salt lake for WHITNEY LAMBSONS wedding :) then taking a break off for a week before i start full time at the nursing home... again. School is fun, hard and exhausting. I find myself often wondering if i am doing my best, so i always try a little harder. I am loving the sun in rexburg. The peace that it gives me is overwhelming. I know that i am here on earth for a reason, I came with a broken heart and i survived. I am here for a reason. So i need to do my best. I am grateful for all that i have, I need my Savior Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father to help me in everything i do, for i am nothing without them. I know that by serving others we will be blessed. I am grateful for all the service that i have had done for me. I love my family. I know that we will be together forever. I know that if we keep moving forward, we will be blessed and happy. I testify that Christ lives, and he loves us. So stay strong and work hard. We have the gospel here on earth today, so we can be happy.. TODAY. :) love you all!